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Life-saving Linux commands

In this article, we will list linux commands that save lives. I hope this article has been useful to you.

#!! Enter-allows us to use the most recently executed command.

at # sudo apt install-y
# echo "halt" | at 10: 20-it is used to run the command that we have set in the desired time interval

# find . - iname.js / xargs grep " js.map " - sl-allows us to find the file where the specified words are passed.

# ps aux | sort-NK 10 / tail - Ram shows the most used processes.

# sed-e' /^# / d '- e ' s/#.* $ / / 'jquery.min.js-deletes blank lines and comment lines in the file.

# killall-U muslu - stops all user operations.

# find / - type F-size +50M-size - 1g-lists file sizes that are 50MB and 1GB.

# sudo apt install-y cpulimit
# learn PID in ps aux | grep chrome # output
# cpulimit-p - L 50-limit CPU usage of the process

# diff -rq / home / muslu / site1 / home / muslu/site1_ydk
# diff - C a.txt two.txt - 2 allows us to find differences between files/directories.

# rsync-rv / home/muslu / sites.zip / home / backup / sites.zip -- progress-allows us to see how long the copy process remains with progressbar.

# du-skh * / sort-hr
# du-skh /var/log/* | sort-sorts files/directories in the HR directory from large to small by size.

# kill -9 $ $ - closes the console without saving history.

# Space>Command - run the command without saving it in the command history

Delete other files except the specified file
# shopt-s extglob
# rm -- !(5.txt)
# rm -- !(5.txt / 6.txt)

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